2017 August 6 Trustees Meeting

The following minutes will be amended and approved at the October 1 meeting.

Low Kong Brotherhood Association

Minutes of Meeting held on

August 6, 2017 at 1:30 p.m at 51 Huron Street

Present: Kent Ing, David Ing, Jerry Ing, Susan Eng, Liz Eng, Pui Kwan Eng, Dave Ing, Peter Ng, plus others who signed in but I do not have their English names

  1. Call to order: at 1:40, after dispute between 2 members quieted down.
  2. Approval of previous minutes: Kent approved the previous minutes.
    • Action: In future, the meeting minutes (upon approval by the Chair) will be emailed to those whose email addresses we have, and paper copies of minutes will be provided for those who attend the meeting in person. Through oversight, no copies were available for attendees. Few had seen the minutes, although thanks to technology, Liz was able to email a copy to Jerry. No one else present had a cellphone with data.
  3. Nominees for Trustee: Discussion occurred over whether to allow other nominees. However, it was decided that those interested would already have been/be present for the meetings.
    • Susan motioned that the list of nominees presented at the last meeting be approved. David seconded. All approved.
    • Liz moved that the nomination list be closed, seconded by Jerry. All approved.
    • The Board will proceed based on the premise that approval of the minutes means approval of the list of nominees. Otherwise, the process with drag on and elections will be further delayed.
  4. Mid-Autumn Banquet: David booked this last meeting for September 30th. Cost was set at $15 per person, $150 per table. In addition to the usual sign-up sheet posted on site, we should get the word out online. Those who have faithfully looked after this in the past want to pass the baton to the next generation, so Liz and Susan will take over the guest list and table assignments, as well as collection of the money as guests arrive. However, as they are not familiar with association members and also cannot read Chinese, they require help from the elders.
  5. Lawyer: David is still attempting to contact Mr. Yee, the Mark Family Association lawyer.
  6. Election Date: Next meeting will take place on October 1, and election will be held then. As the banquet is the previous evening, it will be a good time to give a reminder/advertise the election.
    • Action: An announcement regarding the election will also be posted alongside the Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet on the window of the office at 51 Huron Street.
    • Action: Susan will set up the ballots with help from David and Kent. The plan for the ballot is to have 2 sections, one with a list of the Primary Trustees, and the other with a list of the Secondary Trustees. Voters can only choose to approve or not approve the entire slate under each category, not each individual trustee.
  7. New Signing Officers: There are currently 6 signing officers, of which and any 3 are required at any one time to transact business in the Low Kong account. New signing officers will be chosen at the next meeting.
  8. Other business: David told us that the Hoi Ping Benevolent Society of Ontario would be celebrating its 33rd Anniversary on August 12th. In the past, The Low Kong Brotherhood Association would sponsor some attendees, but there was not enough interest at this time.
  9. Next Meeting: October 1, 2017 at 1:30
  10. Adjournment: Susan moved to adjourn the meeting at 2:40. Seconded by David.